Advice on life insurance

By: GeraldOchoa

Advice on life insurance

Life insurance protects your loved one financially in the unfortunate event that you pass away. If you are dependent on another person financially, it also provides protection. A professional life insurance adviser will help you pick the right products for you.

You can learn more about life insurance. The reasons you may need it and what you should look for in life insurance.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is insurance that pays out a lump amount upon the death of an insured. Some insurance policies will not pay out if the death happens before a specific age. But you can purchase insurance that will pay whenever the death occurs (whole of life policy).

What do I need to know about life insurance?

Life insurance may be recommended if your family faces financial difficulties in the event that you pass away. This applies to you if your financial support is dependent (either partially or whole) on another member of the family, such as your spouse. If a married couple or cohabiting partner has to take out life insurance, it might be worth looking into a joint policy. This will cover the spouse who is left behind if the former one passes away.

Is life insurance mandatory when applying for a mortgage

Although life insurance is optional when purchasing a home with mortgages, the lender can still recover the mortgage from the sale. You should not force your partner or other dependents to sell the house if they are living together. Consider life insurance if you have a family.

A joint-life insurance policy will protect your mortgage if you or your partner die.

What are the differences between life and death insurance?

There are many options for life insurance. This guide will help you decide which type of life insurance is right for you.


A term life policy covers your assets for a specified time. The policy pays out only if you are older than a predetermined age. The policy could be extended to cover you until your death. It could also be extended until your children become adults, so they will not be as dependent on you.

Increasing term

As the name suggests in the title, increasing term insurance will increase the payouts and premiums as you age. It’s designed so that inflation is reflected in the sum you want to pass on to your loved ones.

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Decreasing term

You will see a decrease in your pay-outs as you age. These policies can be linked to large loans such as a mortgage. The sum you receive decreases the more outstanding debt.

Level term

Level term insurance ensures that your premiums remain constant throughout the duration of your policy. No matter how long you live, the payout will remain the same.


Whole-of life policies pay upon your death. Because this policy pays out at a certain time, premiums will be more expensive than for a term-life policy. You will also need to continue paying them until you die. You might pay more in premiums if you are living longer than expected. One popular reason to have a whole-of life policy is to protect your inheritance tax bill.

Joint Cover

One policy that covers two people is called joint life insurance. It usually covers you as well as your partner or spouse. It pays out only once and is often used by people who take out joint mortgages to ensure that the surviving person doesn’t have to pay the entire mortgage. It can also be used by business partners to protect their business. Sometimes it is cheaper than two separate policies.

There are two options: a first- or second-death payout. People who choose to opt for the latter want the money to go to their children and other beneficiaries.

Over 50

Funeral plans that provide over 50s coverage, also called funeral plans, are a way to give a gift to loved one when you pass away. These plans can be used to plan for funeral expenses. If you’re over 50, you may be able to take out a plan. You will need to pay premiums each month. The amount of premiums that you have paid and the plan you chose will affect the pay out.

Critical illness

Insurance gives you the assurance that you will be able to manage your finances if you become seriously ill, injured or are unable to work. You will typically be paid a lump sum without tax, which is often used to pay off a mortgage or replace lost income. Because only specific illnesses and injuries are included in the policies, it is important to read every word carefully.

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Terminal illness

It is slightly different to critical illness coverage. You can get the benefits of your life insurance if your terminal illness is diagnosed and you have been informed that you will die within a specified time. It is usually an addition to other policies such as whole-of-life insurance.

No cost to the parent

There are a few insurers that offer these policies. They are usually free and pay out to your kids. But they only last one-year and have a PS15,000 limit. You can get a policy for each child, usually for those below four years old, as an immediate protection plan while you look into your longer-term plans for life insurance.

To pay the inheritance tax bill, you can use life insurance

A whole-of-life policy can be used to pay any inheritance tax (IHT), that might be due upon your death. IHT has a common problem: it needs to be paid before any money in your estate can be released. Your beneficiaries may not have enough money.

One solution is to create a life insurance policy to cover IHT. You must make sure that the policy is set up to pay into an outside trust so that HMRC can pay taxes on the payout. The IHT will apply to the pay-out if the policy doesn’t pay into a trust.

Trusts require a lot of expertise. When setting up trusts, make sure you consult a professional financial adviser and a lawyer. Learn more about trusts and estate planning.

How to get Life Insurance

It’s easy to obtain a life insurance policy. It’s easy to compare policies and order one online. It is possible to cancel or amend your policy and transfer to another provider.

You should be aware that you may have to pay cancellation fees, also known as a surrender price. The amount of coverage you need will depend on your personal circumstances and the financial position of your family. It’s worth consulting a financial advisor before you take out a policy.

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What is the best way to buy life insurance?

If you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, you can purchase life insurance that covers another person (e.g. parent). You must have the consent of that person to be insured in this manner.

You must also be capable of proving an “insurable interest” in the person. This is a way to show that the death of that person would have a negative financial impact on your finances. If you are not dependent on this person for your financial security, then you will not be able get life insurance on them. This is done to make sure that no person can be financially benefited by the passing of another person.

In summary, you can insure a spouse, parent, or other relative who supports your financial well-being, but it is unlikely you will be in able to insure children (unless they are dependent on your income, e.g. It is not advisable to act.

Can I purchase life insurance for my employee?

If you own a business, then you will know that certain employees are vital to your operations. They can also be very difficult to replace. These individuals are known as “key persons”. Businesses that recognize these key individuals will often purchase life insurance to protect them in case of incapacity or death. Learn more about key-person insurance.

How much does life insurance cost

Cost of life insurance can vary based on many factors, such as age, health status and lifestyle (such if you smoke). It will vary greatly from one provider to the next, depending on how large your payout is.

But it’s possible to provide a rough estimate. Your monthly premium for a term-life policy with a maximum of 30 years and a PS100,000 death benefit would be approximately PS6. The mortgage balance would decline over time and mortgage life insurance would cost less.

Smoking, for example, can make life insurance more expensive. Smokers typically pay twice the monthly premiums starting at 40.

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