By: GeraldOchoa


Twitter is awash with the ‘Dab Me Up!’ meme, but where did it originate? What does it really mean? Let’s find it out.

  • You see a lot of memes on social media.
  • The Distracted Boyfriend and Drake’s Hotline Bling are well-known. We can’t forget about the Woman Yelling at Cat.
  • Although memes are an integral part of don hinds ford internet life they can sometimes be confusing.

“Dab Me Up” is a confusing meme that has been trending on Twitter recently. Here’s what you need to know.


The meme “Dab Me Up” is a photo that shows a smiling yellow emoji and a gold tooth.

A yellow hand appears to be about to ‘dab’ alongside the face.

The ‘dab” hand gesture, which is used to point one arm towards the sky while dropping your head into the other, became very popular with youths in 2015.


  • “Dab me up” is a slang term that means “dap me up”, which is a greeting.
  • When someone says “dap me up”, they mean that you are asking them to “dap” them.
  • A “dap” is a friendly greeting that involves handshaking, pound hugging and chest-bumping.

The phrase was changed to “dab me up” to better describe “dabbing”, which is a way to say hello to someone.


Now that we know what “dabbing” is, and what “dap me up” means, where did this meme come from?

Although it is not known who created the meme image, people use it to communicate with one another online.

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The viral video first became popular in January 2021, when DoubleJTheG uploaded a YouTube video in which he spammed an Instagram chat with the “dab me up” meme until he was kicked out.

  • It has become a huge internet phenomenon and is still going strong.
  • What does DAB me Up mean in slang

Give a gentle handshake, then grab the person and pull them out with a slide snap. Thank you, Urban Dictionary.

What does it mean if someone Dabs at your Face?

Dab (dance): Since 2015, dabbing has been used to express joy or playfulness. It is a popular American trend and Internet meme. It looks like someone is sneezing into their elbow.

What Does it Mean to get dab me up?

Giving dap involves handshakes (often by hooking thumbs), fist pounding or chest- or fist bumping. This term and practice was first used by black soldiers in Vietnam during the Black Power movement. It is documented that it originated around 1969.

Why do guys Dap me up?

The dap was a symbol of unity and strength for African American men. Actually, “dap”, which stands for “dignity & pride,” became more than a greeting. It evolved into a language that allowed people to communicate solidarity, identity and cultural unity.